8,600 SQ/Ft Jet Hangar For Sale
- Runway 09-27 – 5000′ x 75′ paved
- Runway 18-36 – 1850′ x 60′ paved
- Pilot controlled lighting all runways
- Papi – Runway 09-27
- Reil – Runway 09-27
- Larger airplane door 70′ wide x 20′ high
- Small garage door 9′ wide x 8′ high
- Hangar 83′ x 99′
- 25′ tall on the outside. 28′ tall at the peak
- Restaurant on the airfield open daily 6:00am until 2:00pm
- Jet-A and 100LL available 24 hour self serve
- 24-hour access to lounge, washrooms, and meteorlogix weather briefing
- Basketball court
- Squash court – 31’ x 20’
- Bathroom
- Locker room
- Living area/lounge – 11’ x 20’
- 45 mins from West Madison